"Thank you for the gift of hula, for teaching and living Aloha, for inspiring me and for your kindness. Hula has taught me to open my heart to deeper levels, to expand and to grow that love. When I come out of hula class, I am a kinder, more patient and loving mom and I know this is the path!"

~ Anna S.

"I am so enjoying your teaching online. I am learning a lot and having the classes as a replay is even better. Thank you again."

~ Kathy L.

"I am so thankful for all the good you bring into this world, creating community, perpetuating culture, opening minds, strengthening bodies, and connecting hearts. "

~ Tia M.

"You are a fantastic teacher. You break things down so clearly. And you add so much context and content to the hulas."

~ Rachel L.

"Anyone can teach you how to dance. Not everyone can create the space for you to step in your Wholeness."

~ Veronica P.

We feel the love.

We're all about perpetuating positivity in the world. Let us know if we've touched your heart and helped sprinkle a little more ALOHA into your life. Read the mahalos below for more inspiration.

" Hula has healed me and brought me back to myself in a way I never could have imagined. Even more magical than that, hula has brought me a new sense of community and a deeper appreciation and respect for the Hawaiian culture. My friends and family have noticed a warm glow in my presence that did not exist before. When the mele [song] starts, the stress of life instantly melts away as my hips start swaying and my hands grace the air with stories to tell. The spirit of Aloha has entered my soul and is forever a part of me now." ~ Justine (New York)

"Learning a dance gave me so much self-confidence and feelings of being proud, which also greatly helped with my postpartum depression. I felt more connected to nature during every lesson and it makes me happy and appreciate life more. I love to do a little hula before going to bed at night, and that brings me so much joy and contentment. I loved the lessons!" ~ Moyra M. (Virginia)

“I like attending classes on Zoom and how you show us in detail how to do the dances, as well as having the ability to ask you questions for clarification.” ~ Kathy S. (Costa Rica)

 “The inspiration, energy and joy you display and spread have affected us deeply, and come back to us each time we think of you even in far away countries. We thank you for that.” ~ Deb & Matt S. (Germany)

 “I still feel a connection through Zoom even if I don’t get to do a live class and watch the recording later.” ~ Amanda R. (Oregon)

“I know that you intend to perpetuate the Hawaiian culture, but what you do for me is perpetuate love... for each other, for our ‘aina, and for our spiritual world. I am a better person because of you and hula.” ~ Valerie M. (Oregon)

“I feel fundamentally changed by hula. I feel grounded to the earth in a deeper more real and relational way, and I am reminded daily to move slowly with intention, love and response to the present moment.” ~ Michelle W. (New Zealand)

“Thank you for the amazing transmission that you bring to us as your students that is everything beautiful about Hawai’i and the Hawaiian culture.  What you bring to the hula community as a kumu - and to the community at large - is just so amazing.” ~ Kathy M. (New Mexico)

"I so appreciated spending 90 minutes watching two videos with you and your warm heart, clear instruction, graceful group facilitation, and new choreography. You are a gifted Kumu. And very adept with Zoom!  I felt Kumu Raylene’s love and presence as you spoke about Ho’oponopono, as you brought her wisdom so beautifully to the group.  Also, I love the warm up exercises for the dancing and the focus on breath and presence, connection, humility, and gratitude.  Yay Ha’a!!! Thank you for all your wisdom and knowledge, and for creating an online platform I can be part of." ~ Deborah Winter (Hawai'i)

“I love hula as you teach it, always touching on the spiritual art that it is, showing the form AND the essence.” ~ Ellen C. (Oregon)